Fine Art - Coming Soon

Unique to Baci
Baci offers an added bonus for art lovers everywhere – a bonus that will soon see an expansion of their premises as they assume the rights to the space adjacent to Baci Gifts as part of their commitment to exclusively share The Arts of John Cutruzzola. For a number of years, Grettel Comas and John have shared a passion for fine art, with Baci Gifts showcasing the wonderful artwork of Mr. Cutruzzola. While his work has always been on display at Baci, an Art Gallery will soon be opened featuring much of John’s extensive personal collection. If you are a collector of fine art, plan on perusing the artwork of philanthropist, businessman and arts patron John Cutruzzola while also shopping for fine gifts, jewelry, books, baskets and custom orders at Baci Gifts.
Unique Corporate and Custom giftware, designed by Baci with European flare and exquisite care!